
Supertex Industries Ltd

ISO 9001:2015 Certified


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Collapse AnnouncementsAnnouncements
20151214_Authorised KMPs to determine materiality of events or information.pdf
20180726_Mandatory Dematerialization for Transfer of Securities.pdf
20181123_Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Credit Rating.pdf
20190405_Intimation under SEBI (PIT) Regulation, 2015.pdf
20200123_Intimation regarding issue of Duplicate Share Certificate.pdf
20200130_Intimation of Appointment of Secretarial Auditor for FY 19-20.pdf
20200619_Disclosure of material impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the Company.pdf
20200619_Request letter for extension of time for approval of financial results for the year ended 31.03.2020.pdf
20200721_Request letter for extension of time for approval of financial results for the quarter ended 30.06.2020.pdf
20200721_Request letter for extension of time for approval of financial results for the year ended 31.03.2020.pdf
20201020_Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Code of Conduct under SEBI (PIT) Regulations, 2015.pdf
20201126_Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Appointment of Director.pdf
20201126_Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in RTA.pdf
20210324_Announcement under Regulation 30_Reappointment of directors_24.03.2021.pdf
20220301_Important Announcement on Norms for furnishing PAN, KYC and Nomination.pdf
20220401_Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Cessation.pdf
20220429_Intimation for loss of share certificate.pdf
20220502_Reply to Clarification sought by BSE.pdf
20220722_Intimation of credit rating withdrawal.pdf
20220809_Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Appointment of Statutory Auditor.pdf
20221114_Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Re-appointment of Statutory Auditor.pdf
20221201_Reply to Clarification sought by BSE.pdf
20230111_Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Intimation of requests received for reclassification under Reg 31A of SEBI (LODR) Reg 2015.pdf
20230130_Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Resignation of Company Secretary and Compliance Officer.pdf
20230213_Announcement under Regulation 30 SEBI (LODR)-Reclassification from Promoter to Public under Reg 31A of SEBI (LODR).pdf
20230421_Reply to Clarification sought by BSse.pdf.pdf
20230425_Announcement under Regulation 30 SEBI (LODR)_Appointment of Company Secrertary.pdf.pdf
20230531_Announcement under Regulation 30 SEBI (LODR)_Appointment of Secretarial Auditor.pdf
20230531_Announcement under Regulation 30 SEBI (LODR)_Disclosure of RPT for the Half Year Ended 31.03.2023.pdf
20230601_Important Announcement on Norms for furnishing Pan, Kyc and Nomination.pdf
20230714_Intimation for Loss of Share Certificate.pdf
20230822_Announcement under Regulation 30 SEBI (LODR)_Reclassification from Promoter to Public under Reg 31A of SEBI (LODR).pdf
20230830_Announcement under Regulation 30 SEBI (LODR)_Reclassification from Promoter to Public under Regulation 31A of SEBI (LODR).pdf
20230929_Announcement Under Regulation 30_Re-appointment of Statuatory Auditor.pdf
20231012_Intimation for Loss of Share Certificate.pdf
20231028_Intimation of filing application to BSE.pdf
20231109_Announcemnent under Regulation 30 SEBI (LODR)_Disclosure of RPT for the Half Year Ended 30.09.2023.pdf
20231111_Cessation of Executive Director.pdf
20240322_Announcement under Regulation 30_Change in Directorate_22.03.2024.pdf
20240330_Annoucement under Regulation 30_Cessation_30.03.2024.pdf
20240330_Cessation of Non Executive Independent Director.pdf
20240412_Intimation of Postal Ballot.pdf
20240514_Announcement under Regulation 30_Change in Directorate_14.05.2024.pdf
20240514_Outcome of the Postal Ballot.pdf
20240514_Scruinizers Report of the Postal Ballot.pdf
20240514_Voting Result of the Postal Ballot as per Regulation 44(3) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015.pdf
20240530_Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)_Appointment of Secretarial Auditor.pdf
20240530_Announcement under Regulation 30(LODR)_Appointment of Internal Auditor.pdf
20240626_Announcement under Regulation 30(LODR0_Bse Approval Letter for Promoters Reclassification.pdf
20240812_Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)_Change in Directorate_12.08.2024.pdf
20240812_Announcement under Regulation 30(LODR)_Reconstitution of Committeess_12.08.2024.pdf
20241001_Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)_Change in Directorate_30.09.2024.pdf
Collapse Announcements_AGMAnnouncements_AGM
20160831_Notice of 30th AGM and Book Closure.pdf
20160923_Outcome of 30th AGM.pdf
20160924_Voting result of 30th AGM.pdf
20170902_Notice of 31st AGM.pdf
20170902_Notice of Book Closure for 31st AGM.pdf
20170929_Outcome of the 31st AGM.PDF
20171001_Scrutinizer's Report of 31st AGM.pdf
20171001_Voting Result of 31ST AGM as per Regulation 44(3) of the SEBI (LODR) Regulation, 2015.pdf
20180906_Notice of 32nd AGM.pdf
20180906_Notice of Book Closure for 32nd AGM.pdf
20180929_Outcome of 32nd AGM.pdf
20180929_Scrutinizer's Report of 32nd AGM.pdf
20180929_Voting Result of 32nd AGM as per Regulation 44(3) of the SEBI (LODR) Regulation, 2015.pdf
20190905_Notice of AGM and Annual Report for 2018-19.pdf
20190905_Notice of Book Closure for 33rd AGM.pdf
20190930_Outcome of 33rd AGM.pdf
20191001_Scrutinizer's Report of 33rd AGM.pdf
20191001_Voting Result of 33rd AGM as per Regulation 44(3) of the SEBI (LODR) Regulation, 2015.pdf
20201208_Notice of AGM and Annual Report for 2019-20.pdf
20201208_Notice of Book Closure for 34th AGM.pdf
20201230_Outcome of the 34th AGM.pdf
20210101_Scrutinizer's Report of 34th AGM.pdf
20210101_Voting Result of 34th AGM as per Regulation 44(3) of the SEBI (LODR) Regulation, 2015.pdf
20210907_Notice of 35th AGM and Annual Report for FY 2020-21.pdf
20210907_Notice of Book Closure for 35th AGM.pdf
20210930_Outcome of the 35th AGM.pdf
20211001_Scrutiniser's Report of 35th AGM.pdf
20211001_Voting Result of 35th AGM as per Regulation 44(3) of the SEBI (LODR) Regulation, 2015.pdf
20220908_Notice of 36th AGM and Annual Report for FY 2021-22.pdf
20220908_Notice of Book Closure for 36th AGM.pdf
20220930_Outcome of the 36th AGM.pdf.pdf
20220930_Scrutinisers Report of 36th AGM.pdf
20220930_Voting Result of 36th AGM as per Regulation 44(3) of the SEBI (LODR) Regulation, 2015.pdf
20230812_Notice of Book Closure for 37th AGM.pdf
20230907_Intimation of 37th Agm and Annual Report for F.Y 2022-23.pdf
20230929_Outcome of the 37th AGM.pdf
20230929_Scruinizers Report of 37th AGM.pdf
20230929_Voting Results of 37th AGM as per Regulation 44(3) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015.pdf
20240813_Notice of Book Closure for 38th AGM.pdf
20240906_Intimation of 38th Agm and Annual Report for F.Y 2023-24.pdf
20240930_Outcome of the 38th AGM.pdf
20241001_Scruinizers Report of 38th AGM.pdf
20241001_Voting Results of 38th AGM as per Regulation 44(3) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015.pdf
Collapse Board Meeting NoticeBoard Meeting Notice
20160128_Notice of Board Meeting_06.02.2016.pdf
20160520_Notice of Board Meeting_30.05.2016.pdf
20160728_Notice of Board Meeting_05.08.2016.pdf
20161028_Notice of Board Meeting_05.11.2016.pdf
20170128_Notice of Board Meeting_08.02.2017.pdf
20170520_Notice of Board Meeting_30.05.2017.pdf
20170802_Notice of Board Meeting_12.08.2017.pdf
20170811_Postponement of Board Meeting_28.08.2017.pdf
20171109_Notice of Board Meeting_13.12.2017.pdf
20180129_Notice of Board Meeting_ 07.02.18.pdf
20180521_Notice of Board Meeting 30.05.2018.pdf
20180725_Notice of Board Meeting_04.08.2018.pdf
20181020_Notice of Board Meeting_01.11.2018.pdf
20181031_Postponement of Board Meeting_14.11.2018.pdf
20190202_Notice of Board Meeting_11.02.2019.pdf
20190518_Notice of Board Meeting_30.05.2019.pdf
20190727_Notice of Board Meeting_08.08.2019.pdf
20191102_Notice of Board Meeting_12.11.2019.pdf
20200203_Notice of Board Meeting_13.02.2020.pdf
20200821_Notice of Board Meeting_31.08.2020.pdf
20200901_Notice of Board Meeting_15.09.2020.pdf
20201104_Notice of Board Meeting_11.11.2020.pdf
20210204_Notice of Board Meeting_13.02.2021.pdf
20210622_Notice of Board Meeting_30.06.2021.pdf
20210804_Notice of Board Meeting_13.08.2021.pdf
20211022_Notice of Board Meeting_30.10.2021.pdf
20211027_Postponement of Board Meeting_10.11.2021.pdf
20220201_Notice of Board Meeting_09.02.2022.pdf
20220520_Notice of Board Meeting_30.05.2022.pdf
20220801_Notice of Board Meeting_09.08.2022.pdf
20221107_Notice of Board Meeting_14.11.2022.pdf
20230131_Notice of Board Meeting_13.02.2023.pdf
20230413_Notice of Board Meeting_22.04.2023.pdf
20230520_Notice of Board Meeting_30.05.2023.pdf
20230802_Notice of Board Meeting_11.08.2023.pdf
20230823_Notice of Board Meeting_30.08.2023.pdf
20231031_Notice of Board Meeting_09.11.2023.pdf
20240202_Notice of Board Meeting_12.02.2024.pdf
20240314_Notice of Board Meeting_22.03.2024.pdf
20240521_Notice of Board Meeting_30.05.2024.pdf
20240803_Notice of Board Meeting_12.08.2024.pdf
20241101_Notice of Board Meeting_12.11.2024.pdf
Collapse Board Meeting OutcomeBoard Meeting Outcome
20160206_Outcome of Board Meeting_06.02.2016.pdf
20160325_Outcome of Board Meeting_25.03.2016.pdf
20160530_Outcome of Board Meeting_30.05.2016.pdf
20160805_Outcome of board meeting_05.08.2016.pdf
20161105_Outcome of Board Meeting_05.11.2016.pdf
20170208_Outcome of Board Meeting_08.02.2017.pdf
20170530_Outcome of Board Meeting_30.05.17.pdf
20170712_Revised Financial Results_31.03.17.pdf
20170828_Outcome of Board Meeting_28.08.17.pdf
20170914_Revised Financial Results_30.06.17.pdf
20171213_Outcome of Board Meeting_13.12.2017.pdf
20180207_Outcome of Board Meeting_07.02.2018.pdf
20180530_Outcome of Board Meeting_30.05.2018.pdf
20180804_Outcome of Board Meeting_04.08.2018.pdf
20181114_Outcome of Board Meeting_14.11.2018.pdf
20190211_Outcome of Board Meeting_11.02.2019.pdf
20190530_Outcome of Board Meeting_30.05.2019.pdf
20190808_Outcome of Board Meeting_08.08.2019.pdf
20191112_Outcome of the Board Meeting_12.11.2019.pdf
20191118_Disclosure of Related Party Transactions for the quarter ended 30.09.19.pdf
20200213_Outcome of the Board Meeting_13.02.2020.pdf
20200831_Outcome of the Board Meeting_ 31.08.2020.pdf
20200915_Outcome of the Board Meeting_15.09.2020.pdf
20200929_Revised Outcome of Board Meeting dated 15th September, 2020.pdf
20201111_Outcome of the Board Meeting_11.11.2020.pdf
20210213_Outcome of the Board Meeting_13.02.2021.pdf
20210215_Revised Outcome of Board Meeting_13.02.2021.pdf
20210630_Outcome of the Board Meeting_30.06.2021.pdf
20210813_Outcome of the Board Meeting_13.08.2021.pdf
20211110_Outcome of the Board Meeting_10.11.2021.pdf
20220209_Outcome of the Board Meeting_09.02.2022.pdf
20220530_Outcome of the Board Meeting_30.05.2022.pdf
20220531_Revised Outcome of the Board Meeting_30.05.2022.pdf
20220630_Outcome of the Board Meeting_30.06.2022.pdf
20220809_Outcome of the Board Meeting_09.08.2022.pdf
20221114_Outcome of the Board Meeting_14.11.2022.pdf
20230213_Outcome of the Board Meeting_13.02.2023.pdf
20230422_Outcome of the Board Meeting_22.04.2023.pdf
20230530_Outcome of the Board Meeting_30.05.2023.pdf
20230811_Outcome of the Board Meeting_11.08.2023.pdf
20230830_Outcome of Board Meeting_30.08.2023.pdf
20231109_Outcome of Board Meeting 09.11.2023.pdf
20240212_Outcome of Board Meeting_12.02.2024.pdf
20240322_Outcome of Board Meeting_22.03.2024.pdf
20240530_Outcome of Board Meeting_30.05.2024.pdf
20240812_Outcome of Board Meeting_12.08.2024.pdf
20241112_Outcome of Board Meeting_12.11.2024.pdf
Collapse Intimation of Trading Window ClosureIntimation of Trading Window Closure
20190403_Intimation of Trading Window Closure_31.03.2019.pdf
20190627_Intimation of Trading Window Closure_30.06.19.pdf
20190918_Intimation of Trading Window Closure_30.09.19.pdf
20191221_Intimation of Trading Window Closure_31.12.19.pdf
20200313_Intimation of trading window closure_31.03.20.pdf
20200721_Intimation of trading wIndow closure_30.06.20.pdf
20200925_Intimation of trading window closure_30.09.2020.pdf
20201231_Intimation of the trading window closure_31-12-2020.pdf
20210326_Intimation of Trading window closure_31.03.2021.pdf
20210629_Intimation of Trading Window Closure_30.06.2021.pdf
20210927_Intimation of Trading Window Closure_30.09.2021.pdf
20211221_Intimation of Trading Window Closure_31.12.2021.pdf
20220620_Intimation of Trading Window Closure_30.06.2022.pdf
20220922_Intimation of Trading Window Closure_30.09.2022.pdf
20221228_Intimation of Trading Window Closure_31.12.2022.pdf
20230403_Trading Window Closure_31.03.2023.pdf
20230630_Trading Window Closure_30.06.2023.pdf
20230930_Trading Window Closure_30.09.2023.pdf
20231229_Trading Window Closure_31.12.2023.pdf
20240330_Trading Window Closure_31.03.2024.pdf
20240701_Trading Window Closure_30.06.2024.pdf
20240927_Trading Window Closure_30.09.2024.pdf
Collapse Newspaper PublicationsNewspaper Publications
20160522_Newspaper publication of Notice of Board Meeting_30.05.16.pdf
20160601_Newspaper publication of Financial Results_31.03.16.pdf
20160729_Newspaper publication of Notice of Board Meeting_05.08.16.pdf
20160807_Newspaper publication of Financial Results_30.06.16.pdf
20160902_Newspaper publication of Notice of 30th AGM.pdf
20161029_Newspaper publication of Notice of Board Meeting_05.11.16.pdf
20161106_Newspaper publication of Financial Results_30.09.16.pdf
20170130_Newspaper publication of Notice of Board Meeting_08.02.17.pdf
20170210_Newspaper publication of Financial Results_31.12.16.pdf
20170521_Newspaper publication of Notice of Board Meeting_30.05.17.pdf
20170601_Newspaper Publication of Financial Results_31.03.17.pdf
20170803_Newspaper Publication of Notice of Board Meeting_12.08.17.pdf
20170812_Newspaper publication of Postponement of Board Meeting_28.08.2017.pdf
20170830_Newspaper Publication of Financial Results_30.06.17.pdf
20170907_Newspaper Publication of Notice of 31st AGM.pdf
20171111_Newspaper publication of Notice of Board Meeting_13.12.17.pdf
20171215_Newspaper Publication of Financial Result_30.09.17.pdf
20180131_Newspaper Publication of Notice of Board Meeting_07.02.2018.pdf
20180209_Newspaper Publication of Financial Results_31.12.2017.pdf
20180522_Newspaper publication of Notice of Board Meeting_30.05.2018.pdf
20180601_Newspaper Publication of Financial Results_31.03.2018.pdf
20180726_Newspaper publication of Notice of Board Meeting_04.08.18.pdf
20180805_Newspaper Publication of Financial Results_30.06.2018.pdf
20180910_Newspaper Publication of Notice of 32nd AGM.pdf
20181021_Newspaper publication of Notice of Board Meeting_01.11.2018.pdf
20181101_Newspaper publication of Postponement of Board Meeting_14.11.2018.pdf
20181116_Newspaper Publication of Financial Results_30.09.2018.pdf
20190203_Newspaper publication of Notice of Board Meeting_11.02.2019.pdf
20190213_Newspaper Publication of Financial Results_31.12.2018.pdf
20190519_Newspaper Publication of Notice of Board Meeting_30.05.2019.pdf
20190601_Newspaper Publication of Financial Results_31.03.2019.pdf
20190728_Newspaper Publication of Notice of Board Meeting_08.08.2019.pdf
20190810_Newspaper Publication of Financial Results_30.06.2019.pdf
20190907_Newspaper publication of Notice of 33rd AGM.pdf
20191103_Newspaper publication of Notice of Board Meeting_12.11.19.pdf
20191114_Newspaper publication of Financial Results_30.09.19.pdf
20200204_Newspaper publication of Notice of Board Meeting_13.02.20.pdf
20200215_Newspaper publication of Financial Results_31.12.19.pdf
20200822_Newspaper Publication of Notice of Board Meeting_31.08.2020.pdf
20200902_Newspaper Publication of Financial Result_31.03.2020.pdf
20200903_Newspaper Publication of Notice of Board Meeting_15.09.2020.pdf
20200916_Newspaper Publication of Financial Result_30.06.2020.pdf
20201105_Newspaper Publication of Notice of Board Meeting_11.11.2020.pdf
20201113_Newspaper Publication of Financial Result_30.09.2020.pdf
20201216_Newspaper publication of Notice of 34th AGM.pdf
20210206_Newspaper Publication of Notice of Board Meeting_13.02.2021.pdf
20210214_Newspaper Publication of Financial Result_31.12.2020.pdf
20210623_Newspaper Publication of Notice of Board Meeting_30.06.2021.pdf
20210702_Newspaper Publication of Financial Result_31.03.2021.pdf
20210805_Newspaper Publication of Notice of Board Meeting_13.08.2021.pdf
20210815_Newspaper Publication of Financial Result_30.06.2021.pdf
20210909_Newspaper Publication of Notice of 35th AGM.pdf
20211112_Newspaper Publication of Financial Result_30.09.2021.pdf
20220211_Newspaper publication of Financial Results_31.12.21.pdf
20220601_Newspaper Publication of Financial Result_31.03.2022.pdf
20220811_Newspaper Publication of Financial Results_30.06.2022.pdf
20220909_Newspaper Publication of Notice of 36th AGM.pdf
20221116_Newspaper Publication of Financial Results_30.09.2022.pdf
20230215_Newspaper Publication of Financial Results_31.12.2022.pdf
20230601_Newspaper Publication of Financial Results_31.03.2023.pdf
20230814_Newspaper Publication of Financial Results_30.06.2023.pdf
20230909_Newspaper Publication of Notice of 37th AGM.pdf
20231111_Newspaper Publication of Financial Results_30.09.2023.pdf
20240212_Newspaper Publication of Financial Results_31.12.2023.pdf
20240413_Newspaper Publication of Notice of Postal Ballot.pdf
20240601_Newspaper Publication of Financial Results_31.03.2024.pdf
20240814_Newspaper Publication of Financial Results_30.06.2024.pdf
20240909_Newspaper Publication of Notice of 38th AGM.pdf
Collapse Related Party TransactionsRelated Party Transactions
Collapse 21-2221-22
20211117_Related Party Transactions for the half year ended 30.09.2021.pdf
20220608_Related Party Transactions for the half year ended 31.03.2022.pdf
20220812_Revised Related Party Transactions for the half year ended 31.03.2022.pdf
Collapse 22-2322-23
20221117_Related Party Transactions for the half year ended 30.09.2022.pdf
20230530_Related Party Transactions for the half year ended 31.03.2023.pdf
Collapse 23-2423-24
20231109_Related Party Transactions for the half year ended 30.09.2023.pdf
20240530_Related Party Transactions for the Half Year ended 31.03.2024.pdf
Collapse 24-2524-25
20241112_Related Party Transactions for Half Year Ended 30.09.2024.pdf
Collapse Annual ReportsAnnual Reports
AGM Notice and Annual Report 2013-14.pdf
AGM Notice and Annual Report 2014-15.pdf
AGM Notice and Annual Report 2015-16.pdf
AGM Notice and Annual Report 2016-17.pdf
AGM Notice and Annual Report 2017-18.pdf
AGM Notice and Annual Report 2018-19.pdf
AGM Notice and Annual Report 2019-20.pdf
AGM Notice and Annual Report 2020-21.pdf
AGM Notice and Annual Report 2021-22.pdf
Agm Notice and Annual Report 2022-23.pdf
Agm Notice and Annual Report 2023-24.pdf
Collapse Annual ReturnAnnual Return
Annual Return F.Y 2022-23.pdf
Annual Return FY 2021-22.pdf
Collapse Certificate from PCS under Regulation 40(9)Certificate from PCS under Regulation 40(9)
Collapse 15-1615-16
March 2016.pdf
Collapse 16-1716-17
March 2017.pdf
September 2016.pdf
Collapse 17-1817-18
20180413_March 2018.pdf
September 2017.pdf
Collapse 18-1918-19
20181016_September 2018.pdf
20190417 March 2019.pdf
Collapse 19-2019-20
Collapse 20-2120-21
20201019_September 2020.pdf
20210421_March 2021.pdf
Collapse 21-2221-22
Collapse 22-2322-23
Collapse 23-2423-24
20240502_March 2024.pdf
Collapse Certificate under Regulation 7(3)Certificate under Regulation 7(3)
Collapse 15-1615-16
March 2016.pdf
Collapse 16-1716-17
March 2017.pdf
September 2016.pdf
Collapse 17-1817-18
20180410_March 2018.pdf
September 2017.pdf
Collapse 18-1918-19
20181012_September 2018.pdf
Collapse 19-2019-20
20191011_September 2019.pdf
Collapse 20-2120-21
20201015_September 2020.pdf
20210421_March 2021.pdf
Collapse 21-2221-22
20220413_March 2022.pdf
Collapse 22-2322-23
20230428_March 2023.pdf
20240502_March 2024.pdf
Collapse Certificate under Regulation 74 (5)Certificate under Regulation 74 (5)
Collapse 18-1918-19
20190422_March 2019.pdf
Collapse 19-2019-20
20190709_June 2019.pdf
20191011_September 2019.pdf
Collapse 20-2120-21
20200716_June 2020.pdf
20201016_September 2020.pdf
20210118_December 2020.pdf
20210421_March 2021.pdf
Collapse 21-2221-22
20210716_June 2021.pdf
20211012_September 2021.pdf
Collapse 22-2322-23
20221021_September 2022.pdf
20230110_December 2022.pdf
20231104_March 2023.pdf.pdf
Collapse 23-2423-24
20230713_June 2023.pdf
20231016_September 2023.pdf
20240120_December 2023.pdf
20240502_March 2024.pdf
Collapse 24-2524-25
20240715_June 2024.pdf
20241015_September 2024.pdf
Collapse Company Policies and ProceduresCompany Policies and Procedures
Archival Policy.pdf
Code of Conduct.pdf
Code Of Practices and Procedures For Fair Disclosure Of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information.pdf
Composition of Various Commitee.pdf
Contact information of Designated Officer of the listed entity who is responsible for assisting and handling investor grivances.pdf
Critrria of making payments to Non-Executive Directors.pdf
Details of Familiarisation Programmes of Independent Directors.pdf
Draft letter of appointment of Independent Director.pdf
Email Address for Grivances redressal and other relevant details.pdf
Familiarization Programme for Independent Directors.pdf
New Composition of Committees w.e.f 12.08.2024.pdf
New Composition of Various Committees.pdf
Policy on disclosure of material events.pdf
Policy on preservation of documents.pdf
Policy on Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace.pdf
Policy on Related Parties Transactions.pdf
Terms & Conditions for Appointment of Independent Direector.pdf
Vigil Mechanism and Whistle Blower Policy.pdf
Collapse Corporate GovernanceCorporate Governance
Collapse 13-1413-14
December 2013.pdf
June 2013.pdf
March 2014.pdf
September 2013.pdf
Collapse 14-1514-15
December 2014.pdf
June 2014.pdf
March 2015.pdf
September 2014.pdf
Collapse 15-1615-16
December 2015.pdf
June 2015.pdf
March 2016.pdf
September 2015.pdf
Collapse 16-1716-17
December 2016.pdf
June 2016.pdf
March 2017.pdf
September 2016.pdf
Collapse 17-1817-18
20180111_December 2017.pdf
20180409_March 2018.pdf
June 2017.pdf
September 2017.pdf
Collapse 18-1918-19
20180711_June 2018.pdf
20181011_September 2018.pdf
20190108_December 2018.pdf
20190410_March 2019.pdf
Collapse 19-2019-20
20190710_June 2019.pdf
20191011_September 2019.html
20200109_December 2019.pdf
20200511_March 2020.pdf
Collapse 20-2120-21
20200710_June 2020.pdf
20201014_September 2020.pdf
20210113_December 2020.pdf
20210415_March 2021.pdf
Collapse 21-2221-22
20210714_June 21.pdf
20211018_September 2021.pdf
20220107_December 2021.pdf
20220414_March 2022.pdf
Collapse 22-2322-23
20220714_June 2022.pdf
20221004_September 2022.pdf
20230116_December 2022.pdf
2023042021_March 2023.pdf
Collapse 23-2423-24
20230715_June 2023.pdf
20231018_September 2023.pdf
20240117_December 2023.pdf
20240420_March 2024.pdf
Collapse 24-2524-25
20240715_June 2024.pdf
20241016_September 2024.pdf
Collapse Financial HighlightsFinancial Highlights
Collapse Annual ResultsAnnual Results
March 2014.pdf
March 2015.pdf
March 2016.pdf
March 2017.pdf
March 2017_Revised.pdf
March 2018.pdf
March 2019.pdf
March 2020.pdf
March 2021.pdf
March 2022.pdf
March 2023.pdf
March 2024.pdf
Collapse Unaudited Quarterly Financial ResultsUnaudited Quarterly Financial Results
Collapse 13-1413-14
December 2013.pdf
June 2013.pdf
September 2013.pdf
Collapse 14-1514-15
December 2014.pdf
June 2014.pdf
September 2014.pdf
Collapse 15-1615-16
December 2015.pdf
June 2015.pdf
September 2015.pdf
Collapse 16-1716-17
December 2016.pdf
June 2016.pdf
September 2016.pdf
Collapse 17-1817-18
20180207_December 2017.pdf
June 2017.pdf
June 2017_Revised.pdf
September 2017.pdf
Collapse 18-1918-19
December 2018.pdf
June 2018.pdf
September 2018.pdf
Collapse 19-2019-20
December 2019.pdf
June 2019.pdf
September 2019.pdf
Collapse 20-2120-21
December 2020.pdf
June 2020.pdf
June 2020_Revised.pdf
September 2020.pdf
Collapse 21-2221-22
December 2021.pdf
June 2021.pdf
September 2021.pdf
Collapse 22-2322-23
December 2022.pdf
June 2022.pdf
September 2022.pdf
Collapse 23-2423-24
Dec 2023.pdf
June 2023.pdf
Sep 2023.pdf
Collapse 24-2524-25
June 2024.pdf
Sep 2024.pdf
Collapse Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit ReportsReconciliation of Share Capital Audit Reports
Collapse 15-1615-16
December 2015.pdf
June 2015.pdf
March 2016.pdf
September 2015.pdf
Collapse 16-1716-17
December 2016.pdf
June 2016.pdf
March 2017.pdf
September 2016.pdf
Collapse 17-1817-18
20180115_December 2017.pdf
20180413_March 2018.pdf
June 2017.pdf
September 2017.pdf
Collapse 18-1918-19
20180716_June 2018.pdf
20181016_September 2018.pdf
20190117_December 2018.pdf
20190417 March 2019.pdf
Collapse 19-2019-20
Collapse 20-2120-21
20200717_June 2020.pdf
20201019_September 2020.pdf
20210119_December 2020.pdf
20210421_March 2021.pdf
Collapse 21-2221-22
20210717_June 2021.pdf
Collapse 22-2322-23
20220718_June 2022.pdf
20221021_September 2022.pdf
20230118_December 2022.pdf
28042023_March 2023.pdf
Collapse 23-2423-24
20230728_June 2023.pdf
20231025_September 2023.pdf
20240129_December 2023.pdf
20240502_March 2024.pdf
Collapse 24-2524-25
20240803_June 2024.pdf
20241019_September 2024.pdf
Collapse SDD Compliance CertificateSDD Compliance Certificate
20220805_June 2022.pdf
20221110_September 2022.pdf
20230119_December 2022.pdf
20230428_March 2023.pdf
20230719_June 2023.pdf
20231019_September 2023.pdf
20240119_December 2023.pdf
20240419_March 2024.pdf
20240719_June 2024.pdf
20241019_September 2024.pdf
Collapse Secretarial Compliance ReportSecretarial Compliance Report
Secretarial Compliance Report 2019.pdf
Secretarial Compliance Report 2020.pdf
Secretarial Compliance Report 2021.pdf
Secretarial Compliance Report 2022.pdf
Secretarial Compliance Report 2023.pdf
Secretarial Compliance Report 2024.pdf
Collapse Shareholders InformationShareholders Information
Collapse Shareholding PatternShareholding Pattern
Collapse 13-1413-14
December 2013.pdf
June 2013.pdf
March 2014.pdf
September 2013.pdf
Collapse 14-1514-15
December 2014.pdf
June 2014.pdf
March 2015.pdf
September 2014.pdf
Collapse 15-1615-16
December 2015.pdf
June 2015.pdf
March 2016.pdf
September 2015.pdf
Collapse 16-1716-17
December 2016.pdf
December 2016_Revised.pdf
June 2016.pdf
March 2017.pdf
September 2016.pdf
Collapse 17-1817-18
20180117_December 2017.pdf
20180418_March 2018.pdf
June 2017.pdf
September 2017.pdf
Collapse 18-1918-19
20180713_June 2018.pdf
20181015_September 2018.pdf
20190109_December 2018.pdf
20190410_March 2019.pdf
Collapse 19-2019-20
20190712_June 2019.pdf
20191017_September 2019.pdf
20200114_December 2019.pdf
20200509_March 2020.pdf
Collapse 20-2120-21
20200716_June 2020.pdf
20201020_September 2020.pdf
20210121_December 2020.pdf
20210420_March 2021.pdf
Collapse 21-2221-22
20210720_June 2021.pdf
20211019_September 2021.pdf
20220119_December 2021.pdf
20220418_March 2022.pdf
Collapse 22-2322-23
20220714_June 2022.pdf
20221020_September 2022.pdf
20230117_December 2022.pdf
20230415_March 2023.pdf.pdf
Collapse 23-2423-24
20230807_June 2023.pdf
20231017_September 2023.pdf
20240120_December 2023.pdf
20240503_March 2024.pdf
Collapse 24-2524-25
20240803_June 2024.pdf
20241016_September 2024.pdf
Collapse Statement of Investor ComplaintsStatement of Investor Complaints
Collapse 15-1615-16
December 2015.pdf
March 2016.pdf
Collapse 16-1716-17
December 2016.pdf
June 2016.pdf
March 2017.pdf
September 2016.pdf
Collapse 17-1817-18
20180115_December 2017.pdf
20180410_March 2018.pdf
June 2017.pdf
September 2017.pdf
Collapse 18-1918-19
20180711_June 2018.pdf
20181011_September 2018.pdf
20190111_December 2018.pdf
20190410_March 2019.pdf
Collapse 19-2019-20
20190710_June 2019.pdf
20191012_September 2019.pdf
20200108_December 2019.pdf
20200502_March 2020.pdf
Collapse 20-2120-21
20200711_June 2020.pdf
20201015_September 2020.pdf
20210113_December 2020.pdf
20210415_March 2021.pdf
Collapse 21-2221-22
20210717_June 2021.pdf
20211012_September 2021.pdf
20220106_December 2021.pdf
20220414_March 2022.pdf
Collapse 22-2322-23
20220712_June 2022.pdf
20221020_September 2022.pdf
20230111_December 2022.pdf
20230413_March 2023.pdf.pdf
Collapse 23-2423-24
20230713_June 2023.pdf
20231016_September 2023.pdf
20240115_December 2023.pdf
20240430_March 2024.pdf
Collapse 24-2524-25
20240719_June 2024.pdf
20241015_September 2024.pdf